4 Attributes

4 Essential Attributes

The premise of our course is that candidates should first become perioperative Consultants to pass the exam, not try to pass the exam to become Consultants.  Done correctly, studying for the Orals is part of a lifelong process that deepens Knowledge, enhances Critical Thinking, and improves Communication – Essential Attributes for both exam and everyday practice.

  • Knowledge 2


    Knowledge is the body of factual information on which your decisions are based, the amount and type for which is different between Oral and Written Exams.  In the Orals, there is no one best answer, the choices are myriad, and your responses must be verbalized – quickly, clearly, coherently.  You must explain, justify, persuade, and defend, the Knowledge base for which is vast, controversial, and constantly changing. Teaching of up-to-date, evidence-based information is precisely what we do best.

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  • Judgment 3


    Judgment is the rationale used to make decisions.  Preoperatively, it is how you determine whether a patient is ready for surgery, and if not, what needs to be done.  Intraoperatively, it is how you justify decisions on monitoring, induction, maintenance, and extubation, and how you deal with complications.  Postoperatively, those complications continue, and it is Judgment that allows you to prevent and deal with them. Everything you do must have a reason – those reasons define Judgment.

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  • Judgment 2


    Adaptability is the ability to respond to rapidly changing clinical conditions. Anyone can handle a straightforward, uneventful case. Thus, cases on the Oral Boards tend to be complex and complicated, requiring a solid demonstration of Consultant-level adaptability. The good news that in most circumstance, complications can be anticipated, and when they are not, they can be managed with established algorithms. Thus, both developing plans for anticipated events and learning algorithms for unexpected ones is an essential part of Oral Boards preparation – just as in everyday patient care.

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    The level of Communication needing during the exam is like that used every day – clear, concise, and organized – as if you were talking to a patient, colleague, or medical student. In all our teachings, we emphasize the importance of not only clear communication, but communication that is efficient, knowledge-based, and up-do-date.

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No other Oral Board review course seeks to make you a better physician at its primary goal. At Anesthesiology Consultants, making candidates better physicians has been our priority from day one.

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