Study Buddy Plus +

Peer-to-peer learning with the answers

Study Buddy Plus +
Course Information
  • Course Id:SBP+
  • Days:See MOOD

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One can never take enough exams. That is why all our course registrants are encouraged to join the Study Buddy list, a program in which candidates contact one another to give and take practice mock exams.

Study Buddy Plus +

Taking peer-to-peer exams can be extremely useful, but questions of quality remain: Are the cases realistic, the questions appropriate, and feedback accurate? Our Study Buddy Plus+ (SBP+) Program addresses these concerns with an integrated set of cases that have been carefully culled and thoroughly researched to represent the most relevant Oral Board Topics. Practice with questions you know will be asked on the exam.

Answers Online!

What makes SBP+ so special is what happens after the exam: Answers to all SBP+ questions are extensively researched and made available via online recordings. The ability to review trusted answers takes the inconsistency and uncertainty out of the examination equation. SBP+ makes every practice test a guaranteed quality educational experience.

Each SBP+ Study Set Includes:

1. Respiratory/Thoracic
2. Cardiovascular
3. Neurologic/Spine
4. Liver/Renal/Endo
5. Pediatrics
6. Obstetrics/Gynecology
7. Trauma/Orthopedics
8. Pain/Regional/Other

SBP+ Study Set methodically develops your knowledge and Consultant-level understanding in a logical case-by-case manner. The SBP+ comes as part of the Multimodal Guaranteed Plan or can be purchased separately for $695.


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