Oral Case Discussion (OCD)

Build your Critical Mass of Case Familiarity with these 8 key cases

Oral Case Discussion (OCD)
Course Information
  • Course Id:OCD
  • Days:Online
  • Timings:Onlne
Dr. Michael Ho

8 Critically Important CasesOCD Icon 52 x 52

The Oral Case Discussion (OCD) is a collection of 8 of the most complex, critically important cases seen on the Oral Boards. The OCD not only covers dozens of topics essential to mastering the Oral Board Exam. They also illustrate the depth of understanding necessary to perform at a Consultant level.

Perioperative Management

Modern-day anesthesia is not just about intraoperative care, it’s about perioperative management. This multifaceted perioperative role is emphasized in the breath of topics and questions contained in the OCD. As one candidate said, “If you can handle patients like these, you can handle just about anything…”

Ideal for Self-Study

The OCD course comes with a case booklet and 24-hr access to recorded responses. The process of verbalizing your answers, reviewing the sample responses, then repeating your responses until they are perfect is the ideal way to hone your communication skills while mastering key concepts.

Part of Learn-at-Home

The OCD is part of the Learn-at-Home Program (CamClub, Oral Case Discussion, Oral Boards Online), which comes with the Multimodal Guaranteed Plan, or can be purchased separately for $595.


1. A 65-year-old male with HTN, CAD, and NIDDM is scheduled for a hemicolectomy for bowel obstruction.  Two coronary stents were placed 4 months ago.  The patient reports chest pain on the morning of surgery.
2. A 1-week-old male with projectile vomiting is scheduled for a pylormyotomy.  There is a FH of MH.  A systolic ejection murmur is heard on exam.
3. A 36-year-old female with factor 5 Leiden deficiency is scheduled for cadaveric renal transplantation.  Preop K+ is 6.1.
4. A 24-year-old G1 female is scheduled for labor epidural.  She has chronic HTN, proteinuria, and recent cocaine use.
5. A 74-year-old male is scheduled for robotic prostatectomy.  He has a history of syncope and frequent headaches.  Preop ECG reveals a 2nd degree heart block.
6. A 6-year-old female with Down syndrome is scheduled for laser excision of vocal cord polyps.  She has a history of asthma and cyanotic spells.
7. A 56-year-old male for CAB, MVR. He has a history of protamine reaction during prior femoral bypass surgery.  Preop Cr is 2.8, increased from 1.2 following angiography last week.
8. A 45-year-old male African-American presents to the ER with a stab wound to the abdomen.  BP 70/32, HR 110, R 36. The patient has a distended abdomen, is confused, and smells of alcohol.  Hg 7.


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