6-Day Ultimate Raleigh, NC
Raleigh, NC RaleighOur Most Popular Course If ever there were a way to summarize everything you needed for the Anesthesia Oral Boards, our 6-Day Ultimate Review would be it. Acclaimed by candidates […]
Our Most Popular Course If ever there were a way to summarize everything you needed for the Anesthesia Oral Boards, our 6-Day Ultimate Review would be it. Acclaimed by candidates […]
Anesthesia candidates who completed their residency training by Oct 1, 2016 will be required to take the Objective Standardized Clinical Exam (OSCE) along with the Oral Exams. Our OSCE Onsite + Online (Triple O) courses provide an up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive review of essential OSCE skills. Our comprehensive Triple O course comes in two parts: […]