Recorded Courses

Same Quality Content from the Convenience of Home

4-Day Crash Course – Recordings

The 4-Day Crash Course is an intense learning experience that provides a comprehensive review of all major topics covered on the Oral Boards. Through 16 meticulously constructed cases and 92 additional topics, the breadth and depth of anesthesia is covered in this fast-paced, highly acclaimed review of anesthesia and perioperative medicine.

6-Day Ultimate Review – Recordings

The 6-Day Ultimate Review brings the most high-yield, comprehensive review of Perioperative Medicine available to the convenience of your home.  Unrivaled in its scope and quality, the 6-day review is a bonanza of vital Oral Board information, covering all major and minor topics in appropriate detail.  Learn the types of questions asked, the information needed to answer those questions, and the Consultant Approach to patient care via these highly effective sessions.

321 Simulation Course – Recordings

Can’t Make the our popular Simulation course but still interested in studying from the material? The RECORDED 321 Simulation Course contains the recorded answers to 18 stem questions and 54 additional topics used to replicate the actual test experience.


All Online Recordings can be upgraded to a Guaranteed Plan, which includes the Learn-at-Home Video Library and Mock Oral Exams in one affordable comprehensive package.


Course Highlights

  • Same content as On-Site course.
  • Detailed review of all major/minor topics.
  • Consultant Approach to Perioperative Medicine.
  • Interactive discussions in LIVE courses.
  • Save time, save money, maximize learning.
  • Additional exam can be purchased online after course.
  • Opportunity to upgrade to Guaranteed Plan.
Recorded Courses
Course Information
Dr. Michael Ho
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